Read This If You Hate Networking


Are you one of those people who thinks networking is a 4 letter word?   

You would rather have a bad stomach flu than stand around at a networking event trying to make conversation with a bunch of people you've never met before?  

Do you break out in a rash at the mere mention of the word?  

If you said yes to any of the above, then this blog is for you so read on!  

Here is the truth: whether you like it or not, networking or connecting with people is an important part of having a successful career.  People want to invest in a known entity.  That's why politicians pound the pavements during election time so that the public can get to know and trust them which often leads to being successfully elected.  

The same applies at work if you are trying to grow and develop into other roles.  Managers have an increased propensity to hire someone they know, not out of favouritism, but because  of their level of trust.  If there are two candidates vying for a role and one is more known or has a good reputation, chances are they will be selected over someone who is not as well known, all other things being equal.  

Still hate the idea?  Here are some tactics to help you navigate through the world of networking:

Be sincere and truthful.  Don't make anything up to get brownie points.  So if you don't own a cottage in Muskoka, don't say that you do.  

Be You.  People are far more likely to connect if they are being themselves and not pretending to be someone they are not.  You will make an even better impression.

Networking can happen in many different ways.  Book a meeting with a manager in the department or group you would like to join and get to know them while letting them know what your intentions are.  Take advantage of mentoring or sponsorship programs that your company has.  Volunteer with local charities or pursue other philanthropic activities which can also help you meet people.  

Not only can you look into company or community events to help you meet and connect with people, websites like Eventbrite or LinkedIn can be of great use as well to find groups or events going on in your area.  

So if you are trying to build your career or your business, don't shy away from networking.  It's all about connecting through experiences - we at Shades of Influence highly recommend it!