Shades of Influence

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This Is A Time For Geneorosity, Not Profiteering

This month, our weekly blogs were going to focus on the commerce and changing approach to personal transportation via ride sharing services and the evolution of food delivery services which have been so prevalent.  I already told you about my first experience using Uber and just to note, my second ride was even better.  Taking the service one day to work, I was quoted one price which I accepted and then got a price adjustment to a lower amount when my driver took a different route.  It was quite a nice surprise!  Regarding food delivery, not a day goes by that I don’t see Uber Eats or Skip the Dishes (Skip as the regulars call it) coming by my workplace. 

Then last week, I veered off the plan and got more personal, discussing what I feel is pretty obvious discrimination and elitism in the fashion industry. 

This week, I do want to discuss commerce…but this time, it is the commerce of a pandemic. 

With COVID-19, we have seen so many different sides of human behaviour.  There are some great stories of people helping others like one woman who helped some seniors get groceries as they were too afraid to go to the supermarket.  There are businesses that are waiving some charges for their customers because there is some financial uncertainty.  Then there are other stories which aren’t as heartwarming like the one where two men recently bought every single hand sanitizer product in their town in anticipation of selling the items for a profit. 

As we become more entrenched in this COVID-19 situation, we will see more and more of this type of behaviour.  One of the men said he just wanted to put his family in a good place financially but the idea of doing so at the price-gouging expense of others who are desperate to stay safe seems quite reprehensible to me. 

I have been checking out sites like Amazon and the prices of some items are ridiculous to say the least.  Kudos to Amazon and other companies who are limiting or regulating third party sales to minimize the profit that others are trying to make based on fear and anxiety. 

Shades readers, please be safe during these trying times.  We are heading into territory that many of us have never experienced.  Please wash your hands with soap and water regularly, practice social distancing and only go out if you absolutely must.  Finally, please do not try to profit from this situation.  We do not need that at a time like this.